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浙江箬寮山百日青的群落生态学特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过样方调查,应用物种辛富度,物种多样性指数和物种均匀度等数据对分布在浙江松阳箬寮山地百日青(Podocorpus neriifolius)分布区物种多样性进行了研究。结果表明,箬寮山地植物种类丰富,共有维管束植物52科95属148种。科属组成多样,区系成分复杂,热带分布有49属,占总属数的52.12%,多于温带性质的属。木本植物的物种丰富度和物种多样性指数明显大于草本植物,乔木层植物Simpson指数、Shannon—Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数分别为6.7751、3.1593和0.6418;灌木层的分别为11.6826、3.8044和0.6781;草本层的分别为4.5537、1.7418和0.5378。灌木层-乔木层-草本层的物种多样性依次递减。根据分布生境、群落结构和种类组成,可将该山地百日青分布的群落分为三个类型,即甜槠木荷林、木荷红楠林和猴头杜鹃林。  相似文献   
从人肺 cDNA 文库中克隆到人类β 3- 半乳糖基转移酶家族中的一个新成员β 3GalT7 (AY277592 , EC2.4.1.-) ,并对其进行了鉴定 . 该基因定位在人类染色体 19q13.2. 它包含一个 1 191 bp 的开放阅读框 (ORF). 编码的蛋白质包括一个信号肽和一个半乳糖基转移酶结构域,分子质量和等电点分别为 43.3 ku 和 8.37. 从原核表达中获得的融合蛋白的分子质量和预测相符 . RNA 印迹杂交显示β 3GalT7 在肺、喉和回肠组织中高表达,而在舌、乳房、子宫、睾丸等组织中表达较低 . 此外半定量 RT-PCR 显示β 3GalT7 在人类不同的肿瘤细胞中转录水平有明显差异 .  相似文献   
浙江中部地区野榧的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了浙江中部地区被称为"野榧"的植物,并非指一种植物,而是三尖杉、南方红豆杉、粗榧和野生榧树等几种植物.同时介绍了它们的叶与果实的主要区别;指出这些重要野生植物资源应加以保护.  相似文献   
二龄草鱼脾脏、肝脏组织高表达甘露糖结合凝集素mRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴超  陆承平 《动物学报》2004,50(1):137-140
Innate immunity is expected to be very important in fish. Mannose-bingding lectin (MBL) participates in the innate immune system as an activator of the complement system and as an opsonin after binding to certain carbohydrate structures on microorganisms. In this experiment, total mRNA was isolated from spleen, liver, gills, thymus, head kidney and kidney of adult and immature grass carp Ctenopharygodon idllus. The cDNA of MBL was obtained by RT-PCR using total mRNA from the spleen of carp as template. Such cDNA was labled with ^32p and used as probe for Northern analysis, and autoradiographic signals were quantified by densitometry analysis. The results showed that MBL was high expressed in the spleen and liver and low in gills, thymus, head kidney and kidney of adult grass carp, and MBL was much lower expressed in spleen and liver of immature grass carp than those of adult grass carp. The results might partially explain why immature grass carp are vulnerable to grass carp hemorrhage virus (GCHV) whereas adult grass carp are not.This suggested that MBL mav be an imoortant anti-GCHV factor [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (1): 137 - 140. 2004].  相似文献   
对Vychegda河流域靠近Baika村(61°16'N,46°44'E)洪积平原的一个剖面进行了孢粉学研究.化石点位于泰加林带中部,靠近欧洲云杉林和亚乌拉尔-西伯利亚云、冷杉-西伯利亚松林界限附近.该河流盆地森林覆盖率高达98%.根据放射性碳年代测定,沉积涵盖了全新世大约自9000 yrs B.P.以来的大部分地层.主要运用化石植物群组成来恢复这一地区全新世以来的植被和气候变化,通过某些化石植物群的全部植物种类的现代地理分布的分析,可以发现与过去植被最接近的现代对应植被类型的位置,通过确定所有植物种现代生长地区的景观和气候来推测与古环境最接近的景观和气候.整个孢粉组合序列中云杉、松和桦占统治地位,但是植物群的成分和植被有变化.暖温带树种,如椴、榆及栎等在森林中的含量有变化,在全新世最暖期,相当于中晚大西洋期(6000-4500 yrs B.P.)达到最高.这些变化通过对应的现代植物群在俄罗斯平原的"迁移"反映出来,从中、南乌拉尔向西至Sukhona河盆地然后再返回到研究区的Vychegda河下游.运用古植物群的方法定量恢复的主要气候指标表明在大西洋期7月份月均温比现代高2.5℃,1月份月均温比现在高出1℃,年降雨量和现在接近.这段时间可以认为是本地区全新世的气候最适宜期.  相似文献   
Frascari  F.  Matteucci  G.  Giordano  P. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):387-401
Morphological reconstruction and biogeochemical characterisation of the lagoon of Comacchio (Italy) were carried out in order to provide recommendations for the recovery, conservation and sustainable management of the Fattibello-Spavola coastal lagoon ecosystem. Samples were taken in two seasons: July 1997 and November 1998. The irregular morphology of the Fattibello lagoon affects depositional processes and seawater exchange (tidal currents). Several depressions retain part of the dense water of the saline wedge; these stagnant waters became sinks for fine terrigenous and organic matter. The basin is already extensively supplied with N and P compounds from land. The inflow is demonstrated by the large quantity of organic C, N and organic and inorganic P compounds in the superficial sediment. The ratios between the various forms of macronutrients indicate that the organic matter is primarily of autochthonous origin, with relatively low C/N ratios (8.4±0.6 and 8.1±0.6 in July and November, respectively). Shallow areas were almost always oxygenated by tidal currents and thus rich in organisms, with a predominance of molluscs and Ficopomatus enigmaticus. However, the trophic equilibrium of the ecosystem was affected by the accumulation of organic matter in the depressions, favoured by the increased hydrodynamics during the autumn. These accumulations generate high oxygen consumption and release considerable quantities of nutrients into the water column, with the risk of serious dystrophy throughout the basin during the summer. Local dredging and an improvement of the circulation have been suggested and carried out to contain these processes. Reclamation measures in the longer term were proposed.  相似文献   
The common seastars Leptasterias polaris and Asterias vulgaris show competitive interactions in shallow subtidal communities in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, particularly during summer when aggregations of the two seastars forage on mussel beds at 1-2 m in depth. We examined interactions between the two seastars in a different situation, in a mussel bed at 6 m in depth (a rare situation in this region). In the deeper mussel bed, seastars were three times more abundant than in the shallower beds, and the mussels were larger. The deeper bed disappeared rapidly due to the intense predation. Although decreased prey abundance should have favored interference interactions, we did not detect either partitioning of mussels by size or avoidance of A. vulgaris by L. polaris as previously reported when mussels are in short supply in shallower water. The lack of an avoidance behavior by L. polaris, together with the higher proportion of L. polaris than A. vulgaris that were feeding, suggests that in this situation, the dominance of A. vulgaris (observed in shallower water) is attenuated, or that L. polaris may dominate.  相似文献   
用DDRT-PCR技术克隆小鼠早期胚胎发育相关基因   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
mRNA差异显示 (DDRT PCR)技术在哺乳动物早期胚胎发育相关基因研究中的应用 ,因获得足够量的早期胚胎材料困难而受到限制 .通过对DDRT PCR技术各种条件参数进行优化组合 ,并对某些环节进行改良 ,以小鼠的MⅡ卵、2 细胞胚胎和 4 细胞胚胎为材料进行差异显示 ,仅以相当于5 0个卵细胞的量为起始材料 ,便得到了理想的差示结果 .从差异条带中挑取感兴趣的差异条带进行回收、阳性鉴定、亚克隆、序列分析、并在反向Northern杂交基础上设计了鉴定实验 .结果发现 ,有一个片段差异显著且是阶段性特异表达 .经GenBank检索 ,发现该片段仅有同源的EST ,其全长及功能尚不清楚 ,是一个功能未知基因 ,将该片段命名为ed1.反向Northern杂交结果表明 ,ed1在 2 细胞期胚胎中有表达 ,而在MⅡ卵及 4 细胞胚胎中均不表达 .  相似文献   
We observed a chilling-induced ethylene biosynthesis in Braeburn apples.The stimulatory effect depended on the length of the cooling period. The longerthe period, the stronger the stimulation. Low temperature stimulated activityand gene expression of ACS, but only stimulated gene expression of ACO. Thestimulatory effect of low temperature on gene expression was stronger andearlier in ACS than in ACO. 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene), an inhibitor ofethylene action, inhibited ethylene biosynthesis in fruit stored at 20°C and 0 °C. This inhibitory effect can beslightly recovered in fruit stored at 0 °C, but not at 20°C. Expression of genes for ACS and ACO was weaker in1-MCP-treated fruit stored at 20 °C, than those at 0°C. Thus, it is possible that expression of genes for ACS andACO in fruit at low temperature was mainly, but not completely, regulated bytheethylene receptor.  相似文献   
浙南岛屿岩相潮间带石鳖的群落结构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了浙南岛屿岩相潮间带石鳖的群落结构。用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielous种类均匀度(J)、Margalef种类丰度(d)、Berger-Parker优势度指数(I)4个测定群落种类多样性指标进行数值分析,结果表明,水平变化,H′值为北麂的关帝山最大、七星岛最小,J值为洞头的鸽尾礁最大、七星岛最小,d值为南麂的马祖岙口和北麂的海利相对较大、北麂的筲箕屿最小,I值为七星岛最大、洞头的鸽尾礁最小;垂直变化,潮区由高到低,H′、J和d值呈逐渐增大的趋势,I值中潮区开始则逐渐变小;季节变化,H′、J、d值为春季>夏季>秋季>冬季,I值则相反。用Bray-Curtis群落相似性系数聚类分析,浙南岛屿潮间带石鳖群落可聚为两大类型。温度、潮汐、海岸开敞度、浪击度和空间异质性是影响石鳖群落结构的主要因素。  相似文献   
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